Be a Teacher. Pass on what you know. In other words, allow others to learn from you. Being a teacher does not necessarily mean you must sit people down and lecture to them about your opinions or beliefs. That is not really teaching. It is a different thing if you are a seminar speaker, or doing actual formal classes. When I speak of being a teacher, teach by example. Answer questions rather than offering unsolicited advice. Let them come to you. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Trying to teach anyone who is not ready is a waste of time and energy on both parts.
Do not under any circumstances try to fake teaching something you do not know. I know a lot of people who try to guide others and don't have a clue what they are saying. The blind leading the blind as it were. If someone comes to you seeking answers, sometimes the correct answer is "I'm sorry, I don't know". You don't have to be a Guru. No one will think less of you if you don't know. If you fake it, then you are just a snake oil salesman.
Put ego aside, and allow people to learn from you. If I ask you, "What is the meaning of life? Maybe will you say "It is simple. You just be good to people and you will be happy..." That, of course is YOUR meaning (of life). When I am asked a question like that, I may answer, "What does it mean to you?" Ninety Percent of questions people ask they already know the answers to. They just have to be reminded that they already know it.
Part of being a teacher to to always be a student. No one has all the answers. Wisdom comes from a conglomeration of different inputs.
Zen Masters learn from many teachers. ZEN is not a religion. It is a series of understandings that lead to inner peace and understanding of all that which is around you. Always learn, Do not judge, do not let your ego lead you to thinking that you know everything. We have the knowledge inside us, but until we awaken the knowledge, we do not have it consciously.
The same goes for being spiritual vs religious. I am not going to cheer for one side or the other. Religious people believe one way, one truth. Spiritual people may have several beliefs based on several religions. They are, really two sides of the same coin. Jesus, Buddah, Mohammed, (Obi Wan Kenobi) were all amazing teachers. When it comes down to it, we all want to treated by others the way we would treat them. TEACH goodness by example. Everything else will fall into place.
Please order and read my book: The Self Help Book for People Who Hate Self Help Books.
On Amazon Nook, iBook and everything else
God Bless and Pass on what you know.
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