It happens occasionally when the moon is full on the day of the spring Equinox. Today the daylight and darkness are the same length. (Simplified, I guess that means 12 and 12).
I love breaking out the telescope and doing moon viewing when there are super moons. The last event was the blood moon a few months back. Pretty cool. So, I hope everyone enjoys the Super Worm Equinox Moon. I won't be watching, because, yes, its cloudy and going to rain tonight. I know this big ol' moon will still be there in its full glory. Hiding.
It's called a worm moon because it's the first full moon of March, and because the ground is thawing, the worms start to come out of hibernation. I don't know...They could have had a better name like the new flower bud moon, or the thank God winter is over because I am so over shoveling snow moon. Maybe the we have to turn the clocks ahead and loose and hour of sleep which I think is stupid moon. How about the "It's Spring and I am super randy" moon. The weather is warming up and road construction season is starting moon. or "You think a regular full moon brings out the crazies, just wait til tonight" moon.
I am sure you get the point and can come up with a great name of your own.
In the meantime, go out and enjoy the Super Worm Equinox Moon.