So, now you had your family in for a huge gathering last Thursday. In 1 month you get to do it all again. It's too much!!! No one has time in 1 tiny month to do anything new that you can talk about around the dinner table at Christmas. So you get stuck hearing all the same stories that you heard at Thanksgiving...
Having family stay with you is tough. You get so used to your routine and suddenly you are cooking for twice as many, (Stuff you would not normally cook), watching movies your houseguests want to watch, and just totally wonking up your daily routine in general. By day three, it's like an episode of the Twilight Zone. Rod Serling standing in the corner of the room with a cigarette in his hand and that choppy cadence in his voice reminding you that there is no leftover gravy in The Twilight Zone!
Here are a few tips for surviving Holiday Guests.
1. Remember...YOU invited them (most of the time) If you dive into a pool of sharks, knowing there are sharks there, that's on you!
2. Wait to do your Christmas shopping. That way, while the Family is there, you have an excuse to get out for a couple of hours by yourself, hence a bit of peace and quiet.
3. Practice breathing. When you get frustrated just inhale...exhale...repeat as necessary.
4. Remember the definition of insanity...doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Maybe THIS year try inviting less people, or better yet, go to their house and annoy them for a change.
5. Send love to those who annoy you. Remember, they are your teachers.
6. Look for the gift. If your folks are older, you may not be able to spend Christmas with them next year. And believe me, once they are gone, you will wish they could be there.
7. Watch Christmas Vacation. The Griswalds can teach you a few things. Like thank goodness Cousin Eddy belongs to them and not you.
Happy Holidays / Merry Christmas / Happy Hanukkah / may you be blessed in whatever manner you celebrate.

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