Wednesday, April 27, 2022

My Blog has been in Quarantine

Ok, so I put my blog in Quarantine since last September , lest it be infected  with all the Covid, Vax, and political B.S. that is running rampant through what seems to be the entire world, the moon and any surrounding planets. This shit is EVERYWHERE.  I will end my Covid rant there, because anything I say has been written about, talked about and reported about ad nauseam.  

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    Let's then, talk about Chickens!  My Son Nick and my Son-in-law Dakota raise chickens.  They have somewhere in the area of 15 or 16 heads of poultry running around.  It's amazing. 

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    When they came to me last year and said they were getting some chickens, I thought it was a quaint little hobby. Nick has always had a spot for animals, and I figured they would get a couple of chickens for fun. I gave them a little money to buy chicken-type supplies and what-not. At that point I didn't give it much thought.

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    Fast forward about 2 weeks.  Nick called and told me they had purchased some chickens and built a coop.  I did go to visit them a few days later, and was a bit gob-smacked by the progress.  They had built a proper coop, with perches, nesting areas, heat lamps... the whole nine yards.  In the yard were 6 or 7 small chicks, about the size of a proper adult pigeon.  All of a sudden the "farmers" were telling me expectations of laying timelines, what chicks lay the small and large eggs, white eggs, brown eggs, how to ward off infections, and a ton more info that I never knew.  With my son-in-law being a vet tech / assistant, they had an advantage when it came to the chicken well being department.  

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Skip forward another year, and they now have a serious venture. 15 or so chickens, and a constant supply of eggs.  I have not purchased store-bought eggs in many months.  They are even selling eggs to my co-workers, taking orders, and all their "customers" love the fact that these are the most organic eggs you can get. Sometimes they are still warm from being laid a little while ago. It's great. They have also expanded into baking their own sourdough bread as well, and again, they have a great customer base at my job.


They are both in their mid 20's, have "real jobs" and love their poultry and baking venture.  My point being, that they have chosen a path of joy and helping others. Something you don't see a lot of in this day and age.  I am very proud of my boys, and they are a joy to be around.  I guess if I had to tie this blog entry into 'self-help' it relates in the area of self-determination and reaching inside and finding something you love to do. Will they always raise chickens? Maybe...probably...but more importantly, they will always follow a passion of some kind.  They are a great example for all. 




My Blog has been in Quarantine

Ok, so I put my blog in Quarantine since last September , lest it be infected  with all the Covid, Vax, and political B.S. that is running r...